BSL Level 3

Course Outline

Overview Of The Course

BSL Level 3

What is the course about??

This course is designed to enable you to communicate with Deaf people in British Sign Language (BSL) at level 3 standard within a range of situations. The course leads to the Level 3 Certificate in BSL, accredited by Signature award body. The qualification comprises three units: Receptive Skills, Presentation Skills and Conversation Skills. You will have the opportunity to undertake the examinations for these units within the course.

What topics will we cover?

You will learn productive, receptive and conversational fluency at level 3 in a variety of topics, situations and registers. Topics will include:

– Deaf history and community, it’s culture and other relevant issues
– healthy living
– social/recreational activities
– education and training
– consumer issues and daily living
– home living
– employment issues
– current affairs

You will learn specifically about functions of language and variations of BSL at level 3. We will give you practical experience in a productive working environment.

By the end of this course you should be able to:

– understand key features of BSL
– know a range of sign language sentence structures, applying signs and set phrases in varied work or social situations.


– a range of BSL structures, facial expressions, mouth patterns and use of space to express meaning
– social interaction
– signed communication in a range of familiar work and social situations
– and use a broad range of vocabulary
– and use a range of grammatical forms
– maintain social contact with a BSL user
– use varied BSL to communicate in a range of social and work-related situations
– be confident in using BSL at level 3.

To achieve the full level 3 certificate in BSL you will need to pass all three exam units. These are:

Unit 3ASS1: Formal Presentation – a topic is researched in depth, and presented
Unit 3ASS2: Informal Conversation – a topic is research in depth, and conversation
Unit 3ASS3: Receptive Skills – a conversation is watched on video online, followed by a written assessment paper

All units are externally assessed by Signature assessors.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

This course is designed for those who have achieved the level 2 certificate in BSL and have been recommended to progress to level 3.
You will need to be able to find information (e.g. from the internet, books, meeting deaf people, etc.) and use this information in your presentation and conversation assessment.

The class is taught in the visual language of BSL.  You will need to have basic literacy skills, as you will be asked to write answers receptive skill assessments.  You will also need to read some basic instructions and questions for assessments and exercises.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the lesson?

– in groups of 2 or 3 students
– pair work
– role play/simulation
– 1:1 feedback session
– demonstration
– presentation
– debate
– group discussion
– watching BSL clip for receptive skills

A considerable amount of additional home study will be required.

Is there anything I need to bring?

Bring a notebook, pen, folder and a willingness to learn.

Do I need to meet you first?

Yes. It is important that we have met so that I can assess your BSL ability. There is a massive jump in skills from level 2 to level 3 and you may need to practice considerably before starting the course.

What feedback will I get?

You will receive regular feedback from me throughout the course, as and when appropriate.

When I've finished, what course can I do next?

The new level 3 will be the starting point for those who wish to work with Deaf people.

At the moment, the next level of training works directly towards qualification in BSL at level 6. It is a big step, so Signature are also developing a new level 4 qualification which is expected to be available in 2014-15; this will provide a stepped progression route towards level 6.

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